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Current capacities


  • Primitives - bytes, bstr, tstr, text, uint, nint
  • Fixed values - null, nil, true, false
  • Array values - [uint]
  • Table types as members - foo = ( x: { * a => b } )
  • Inline groups at root level - foo = ( a: uint, b: uint)
  • Array groups - foo = [uint, tstr, 0, bytes]
  • Map groups (both struct-type and table-type) - foo = { a: uint, b: tstr } or bar = { * uint => tstr }
  • Embedding groups in other groups - foo = (0, bstr) bar = [uint, foo, foo]
  • Group choices - foo = [ 0, uint // 1, tstr, uint // tstr }
  • Tagged major types - rational = #6.30([ numerator : uint, denominator : uint])
  • Optional fields - foo = { ? 0 : bytes }
  • Type aliases - foo = bar
  • Type choices - foo = uint / tstr
  • Serialization for all supported types.
  • Deserialization for almost all supported types (see limitations section).
  • CDDL Generics - foo<T> = [T], bar = foo<uint>
  • Length bounds - foo = bytes .size (0..32)
  • cbor in bytes - foo_bytes = bytes .cbor foo
  • Support for the CDDL standard prelude (using raw CDDL from the RFC) - biguint, etc
  • default values - ? key : uint .default 0

We generate getters for all fields, and setters for optional fields. Mandatory fields are set via the generated constructor. All wasm-facing functions are set to take references for non-primitives and clone when needed. Returns are also cloned. This helps make usage from wasm more memory safe.

Identifiers and fields are also changed to rust style. ie foo_bar = { Field-Name: text } gets converted into struct FooBar { field_name: String }

Group choices

Group choices are handled as an enum with each choice being a variant. This enum is then wrapped around a wasm-exposed struct as wasm_bindgen does not support rust enums with members/values. Group choices that have only a single non-fixed-value field use just that field as the enum variant, otherwise we create a GroupN for the Nth variant enum with the fields of that group choice. Any fixed values are resolved purely in serialization code, so 0, "hello", uint puts the uint in the enum variant directly instead of creating a new struct.

Type choices

Type choices are handled via enums as well with the name defaulting to AOrBOrC for A / B / C when inlined as a field/etc, and will take on the type identifier if provided ie foo = A / B / C would be Foo. Any field that is T / null is transformed as a special case into Option<T> rather than creating a TOrNull enum.

A special case for this is when all types are fixed values e.g. foo = 0 / 1 / "hello", in which case we generate a special c-style enum in the rust. This will have wasm_bindgen tags so it can be directly used in the wasm crate. Encoding variables (for --preserve-encodings=true) are stored where the enum is used like with other primitives.