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To run carp you need to configure carp itself, set up / configure cardano-node (or use remote one), configure postgres and env variables. For mainnet we provide example .env file and carp default configuration, so you can jump directly to setting up cardano-node section.

Configuration & concepts

Carp itself uses special file for configuration, the examples are stored there. Besides, carp's config can be set up through CARP_CONFIG env variable in json format. Let's dive into configuration a little further:

File format:

type: oura
socket: ""
bearer: Tcp # Unix

type: cardano
type: postgres
database_url: postgresql://carp:1234@localhost:5432/carp_mainnet
network: mainnet # preview / preprod / testnet


Json format:

{"source":{"type":"oura","socket":"","bearer":"Tcp"},"sink":{"type":"cardano","db":{"type": "postgres","database_url":"postgresql://carp:1234@localhost:5432/carp_mainnet"},"network":"mainnet"},"start_block":null}

As you might see there are several key sections: source and sink. For sink there's only one option at the moment: cardano sink. For source there are two options with different configurations: oura and cardano_net.

Sink configuration

Cardano sink configuration requires the type, db and network to be configured.

Supported values for type:

  • cardano

Supported values for network:

  • mainnet
  • preprod
  • preview
  • testnet

Supported values for db:

  • postgres

In db settings mind the host: in case of docker deployment localhost won't work, you will need to set static ip or container name there.

Source configuration

There are two types of sources: oura and cardano_net.

Oura source parameters

type: oura
socket: ""
bearer: Tcp # Unix

If you work with remote node and plan to fetch data through Tcp:

type: oura
socket: "remote.node.url"
bearer: Tcp # Unix

If you work with local node you can fetch data through Unix socket as well:

type: oura
socket: ""
bearer: Unix # Tcp

Cardano_net source parameters

type: cardano_net
- 3001
# -
# - 30002
# -
# - 30000

To use cardano_net source you should set up relay and provide url and port. Unix socket is not supported here.

Setting up cardano-node

The indexer can work with either local or remote node.

Local node

For local node you will have to run a synced copy of cardano-node and update the configuration file accordingly:

  • for cardano_net:
    • Expose port 3001 (default port in cardano node)
    • Update the relay with appropriate ip and port
  • for oura
    • Choose whether you want to use unix socket or tcp
    • Update bearer and socket fields in the config accordingly (more details above).

Remote node

For remote node you will need to update carp's config:

  • for cardano_net:
    • Update the relay with appropriate ip and port
  • for oura
    • Update bearer to Tcp
    • Update socket to the relay address

Setting up the database

Note: steps assume mainnet

  1. sudo -u postgres createdb carp_mainnet
  2. sudo -u postgres psql -c 'ALTER DATABASE carp_mainnet SET jit_above_cost = -1;'
  3. sudo -u postgres createuser carp
  4. sudo -u postgres psql -c "\password carp"
  5. For postgres version 15+ there's a breaking change regarding the permissions, so you will need to run extra command:
    1. sudo -u postgres psql -t -d carp_mainnet -c 'GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO carp;'
  6. Add your database name, username and password to secrets/.pgpass
  7. chmod 600 secrets/.pgpass
  8. Modify the env variables in .env if needed:
    1. Setting POSTGRES_HOST, POSTGRES_PORT, PGUSER, PGPASSWORD, POSTGRES_DB, PGPASSFILE variables is mandatory to run migrations successfully.
  9. Modify the carp's config variables for sink:
    1. host, port, user, password and db must be set the same values as you created with steps 1-4 and set at step 8
  10. In the root project folder, run set -a; . ./.env; set +a - note you will have to re-run this command every time you reopen your shell
    1. This step is mandatory to run the migration, it still relies on env variables.
  11. Inside the indexer folder, run cargo migrate up (you can debug migration by adding a -v at the end of the command)
    1. This creates the necessary tables

Running the indexer

Inside the indexer folder, run cargo run -- --plan execution_plans/default.toml --config-path configs/oura.yml

Reminder: you can visualize the execution plan using cargo plan-visualizer --plan execution_plans/default.toml -o plan-visualizer/out

You can use other configs and write your own: e.g. configs/cardano_node.yml in the indexer folder.

Detailed environment setup

For non-docker deployment the following variables are mandatory to be configured:

# network can be mainnet/preview/preprod/testnet
# this parameter is utilized by migration service, cardano-node, backuper

# these credentials are utilized by postgres, carp and carp_web services
PGPASSFILE="$(realpath secrets/.pgpass)"

# note: PGPASSWORD isn't required to run carp
# since it will be parsed from the PGPASSFILE instead
# as this command will gracefully fallback to PGPASSFILE if no password is specified
# However, some dev tools like pgtyped & zapatos don't support .pgpass files

Variables related to postgres are described above in Setting up the database section.