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SQL Format

Although Carp comes with a webserver and client, users may want to run their own SQL queries.

Here is the table format used by Carp


More concretely, the full SQL schema can be seen below

---- PostgreSQL database dump---- Dumped from database version 14.9 (Ubuntu 14.9-0ubuntu0.22.04.1)-- Dumped by pg_dump version 14.9 (Ubuntu 14.9-0ubuntu0.22.04.1)SET statement_timeout = 0;SET lock_timeout = 0;SET idle_in_transaction_session_timeout = 0;SET client_encoding = 'UTF8';SET standard_conforming_strings = on;SELECT pg_catalog.set_config('search_path', '', false);SET check_function_bodies = false;SET xmloption = content;SET client_min_messages = warning;SET row_security = off;SET default_tablespace = '';SET default_table_access_method = heap;---- Name: Address; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE TABLE public."Address" (    id bigint NOT NULL,    payload bytea NOT NULL,    first_tx bigint NOT NULL);---- Name: AddressCredentialRelation; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE TABLE public."AddressCredentialRelation" (    address_id bigint NOT NULL,    credential_id bigint NOT NULL,    relation integer NOT NULL);---- Name: Address_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE SEQUENCE public."Address_id_seq"    START WITH 1    INCREMENT BY 1    NO MINVALUE    NO MAXVALUE    CACHE 1;---- Name: Address_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER SEQUENCE public."Address_id_seq" OWNED BY public."Address".id;---- Name: AssetMint; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE TABLE public."AssetMint" (    tx_id bigint NOT NULL,    asset_id bigint NOT NULL,    amount bigint NOT NULL);---- Name: AssetUtxo; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE TABLE public."AssetUtxo" (    id bigint NOT NULL,    asset_id bigint NOT NULL,    utxo_id bigint NOT NULL,    tx_id bigint NOT NULL,    amount bigint);---- Name: AssetUtxo_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE SEQUENCE public."AssetUtxo_id_seq"    START WITH 1    INCREMENT BY 1    NO MINVALUE    NO MAXVALUE    CACHE 1;---- Name: AssetUtxo_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER SEQUENCE public."AssetUtxo_id_seq" OWNED BY public."AssetUtxo".id;---- Name: Block; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE TABLE public."Block" (    id integer NOT NULL,    era integer NOT NULL,    hash bytea NOT NULL,    height integer NOT NULL,    epoch integer NOT NULL,    slot integer NOT NULL,    payload bytea,    tx_count integer);---- Name: Block_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE SEQUENCE public."Block_id_seq"    AS integer    START WITH 1    INCREMENT BY 1    NO MINVALUE    NO MAXVALUE    CACHE 1;---- Name: Block_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER SEQUENCE public."Block_id_seq" OWNED BY public."Block".id;---- Name: Cip25Entry; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE TABLE public."Cip25Entry" (    id bigint NOT NULL,    metadata_id bigint NOT NULL,    asset_id bigint NOT NULL,    version text NOT NULL,    payload bytea NOT NULL);---- Name: Cip25Entry_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE SEQUENCE public."Cip25Entry_id_seq"    START WITH 1    INCREMENT BY 1    NO MINVALUE    NO MAXVALUE    CACHE 1;---- Name: Cip25Entry_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER SEQUENCE public."Cip25Entry_id_seq" OWNED BY public."Cip25Entry".id;---- Name: Dex; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE TABLE public."Dex" (    id bigint NOT NULL,    tx_id bigint NOT NULL,    address_id bigint NOT NULL,    dex bigint NOT NULL,    asset1_id bigint,    asset2_id bigint,    amount1 bigint NOT NULL,    amount2 bigint NOT NULL,    operation bigint NOT NULL);---- Name: Dex_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE SEQUENCE public."Dex_id_seq"    START WITH 1    INCREMENT BY 1    NO MINVALUE    NO MAXVALUE    CACHE 1;---- Name: Dex_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER SEQUENCE public."Dex_id_seq" OWNED BY public."Dex".id;---- Name: NativeAsset; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE TABLE public."NativeAsset" (    id bigint NOT NULL,    policy_id bytea NOT NULL,    asset_name bytea NOT NULL,    cip14_fingerprint bytea NOT NULL,    first_tx bigint NOT NULL);---- Name: NativeAsset_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE SEQUENCE public."NativeAsset_id_seq"    START WITH 1    INCREMENT BY 1    NO MINVALUE    NO MAXVALUE    CACHE 1;---- Name: NativeAsset_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER SEQUENCE public."NativeAsset_id_seq" OWNED BY public."NativeAsset".id;---- Name: PlutusData; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE TABLE public."PlutusData" (    id bigint NOT NULL,    data bytea NOT NULL);---- Name: PlutusDataHash; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE TABLE public."PlutusDataHash" (    id bigint NOT NULL,    hash bytea NOT NULL,    first_tx bigint NOT NULL);---- Name: PlutusDataHash_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE SEQUENCE public."PlutusDataHash_id_seq"    START WITH 1    INCREMENT BY 1    NO MINVALUE    NO MAXVALUE    CACHE 1;---- Name: PlutusDataHash_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER SEQUENCE public."PlutusDataHash_id_seq" OWNED BY public."PlutusDataHash".id;---- Name: PlutusData_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE SEQUENCE public."PlutusData_id_seq"    START WITH 1    INCREMENT BY 1    NO MINVALUE    NO MAXVALUE    CACHE 1;---- Name: PlutusData_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER SEQUENCE public."PlutusData_id_seq" OWNED BY public."PlutusData".id;---- Name: ProjectedNFT; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE TABLE public."ProjectedNFT" (    id bigint NOT NULL,    owner_address bytea NOT NULL,    previous_utxo_tx_hash bytea NOT NULL,    previous_utxo_tx_output_index bigint,    hololocker_utxo_id bigint,    tx_id bigint NOT NULL,    asset_name text NOT NULL,    policy_id text NOT NULL,    amount bigint NOT NULL,    operation integer NOT NULL,    plutus_datum bytea NOT NULL,    for_how_long bigint);---- Name: ProjectedNFT_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE SEQUENCE public."ProjectedNFT_id_seq"    START WITH 1    INCREMENT BY 1    NO MINVALUE    NO MAXVALUE    CACHE 1;---- Name: ProjectedNFT_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER SEQUENCE public."ProjectedNFT_id_seq" OWNED BY public."ProjectedNFT".id;---- Name: StakeCredential; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE TABLE public."StakeCredential" (    id bigint NOT NULL,    credential bytea NOT NULL,    first_tx bigint NOT NULL);---- Name: StakeCredential_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE SEQUENCE public."StakeCredential_id_seq"    START WITH 1    INCREMENT BY 1    NO MINVALUE    NO MAXVALUE    CACHE 1;---- Name: StakeCredential_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER SEQUENCE public."StakeCredential_id_seq" OWNED BY public."StakeCredential".id;---- Name: StakeDelegationCredentialRelation; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE TABLE public."StakeDelegationCredentialRelation" (    id bigint NOT NULL,    stake_credential bigint NOT NULL,    tx_id bigint NOT NULL,    pool_credential bytea,    previous_pool bytea);---- Name: StakeDelegationCredentialRelation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE SEQUENCE public."StakeDelegationCredentialRelation_id_seq"    START WITH 1    INCREMENT BY 1    NO MINVALUE    NO MAXVALUE    CACHE 1;---- Name: StakeDelegationCredentialRelation_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER SEQUENCE public."StakeDelegationCredentialRelation_id_seq" OWNED BY public."StakeDelegationCredentialRelation".id;---- Name: Transaction; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE TABLE public."Transaction" (    id bigint NOT NULL,    hash bytea NOT NULL,    block_id integer NOT NULL,    tx_index integer NOT NULL,    payload bytea NOT NULL,    is_valid boolean NOT NULL);---- Name: TransactionInput; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE TABLE public."TransactionInput" (    id bigint NOT NULL,    utxo_id bigint NOT NULL,    tx_id bigint NOT NULL,    address_id bigint NOT NULL,    input_index integer NOT NULL);---- Name: TransactionInput_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE SEQUENCE public."TransactionInput_id_seq"    START WITH 1    INCREMENT BY 1    NO MINVALUE    NO MAXVALUE    CACHE 1;---- Name: TransactionInput_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER SEQUENCE public."TransactionInput_id_seq" OWNED BY public."TransactionInput".id;---- Name: TransactionMetadata; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE TABLE public."TransactionMetadata" (    id bigint NOT NULL,    tx_id bigint NOT NULL,    label bytea NOT NULL,    payload bytea NOT NULL);---- Name: TransactionMetadata_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE SEQUENCE public."TransactionMetadata_id_seq"    START WITH 1    INCREMENT BY 1    NO MINVALUE    NO MAXVALUE    CACHE 1;---- Name: TransactionMetadata_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER SEQUENCE public."TransactionMetadata_id_seq" OWNED BY public."TransactionMetadata".id;---- Name: TransactionOutput; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE TABLE public."TransactionOutput" (    id bigint NOT NULL,    payload bytea NOT NULL,    address_id bigint NOT NULL,    tx_id bigint NOT NULL,    output_index integer NOT NULL);---- Name: TransactionOutput_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE SEQUENCE public."TransactionOutput_id_seq"    START WITH 1    INCREMENT BY 1    NO MINVALUE    NO MAXVALUE    CACHE 1;---- Name: TransactionOutput_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER SEQUENCE public."TransactionOutput_id_seq" OWNED BY public."TransactionOutput".id;---- Name: TransactionReferenceInput; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE TABLE public."TransactionReferenceInput" (    id bigint NOT NULL,    utxo_id bigint NOT NULL,    tx_id bigint NOT NULL,    address_id bigint NOT NULL,    input_index integer NOT NULL);---- Name: TransactionReferenceInput_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE SEQUENCE public."TransactionReferenceInput_id_seq"    START WITH 1    INCREMENT BY 1    NO MINVALUE    NO MAXVALUE    CACHE 1;---- Name: TransactionReferenceInput_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER SEQUENCE public."TransactionReferenceInput_id_seq" OWNED BY public."TransactionReferenceInput".id;---- Name: Transaction_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE SEQUENCE public."Transaction_id_seq"    START WITH 1    INCREMENT BY 1    NO MINVALUE    NO MAXVALUE    CACHE 1;---- Name: Transaction_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER SEQUENCE public."Transaction_id_seq" OWNED BY public."Transaction".id;---- Name: TxCredentialRelation; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE TABLE public."TxCredentialRelation" (    credential_id bigint NOT NULL,    tx_id bigint NOT NULL,    relation integer NOT NULL);---- Name: seaql_migrations; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE TABLE public.seaql_migrations (    version character varying NOT NULL,    applied_at bigint NOT NULL);---- Name: Address id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."Address" ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public."Address_id_seq"'::regclass);---- Name: AssetUtxo id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."AssetUtxo" ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public."AssetUtxo_id_seq"'::regclass);---- Name: Block id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."Block" ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public."Block_id_seq"'::regclass);---- Name: Cip25Entry id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."Cip25Entry" ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public."Cip25Entry_id_seq"'::regclass);---- Name: Dex id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."Dex" ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public."Dex_id_seq"'::regclass);---- Name: NativeAsset id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."NativeAsset" ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public."NativeAsset_id_seq"'::regclass);---- Name: PlutusData id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."PlutusData" ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public."PlutusData_id_seq"'::regclass);---- Name: PlutusDataHash id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."PlutusDataHash" ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public."PlutusDataHash_id_seq"'::regclass);---- Name: ProjectedNFT id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."ProjectedNFT" ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public."ProjectedNFT_id_seq"'::regclass);---- Name: StakeCredential id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."StakeCredential" ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public."StakeCredential_id_seq"'::regclass);---- Name: StakeDelegationCredentialRelation id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."StakeDelegationCredentialRelation" ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public."StakeDelegationCredentialRelation_id_seq"'::regclass);---- Name: Transaction id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."Transaction" ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public."Transaction_id_seq"'::regclass);---- Name: TransactionInput id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."TransactionInput" ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public."TransactionInput_id_seq"'::regclass);---- Name: TransactionMetadata id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."TransactionMetadata" ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public."TransactionMetadata_id_seq"'::regclass);---- Name: TransactionOutput id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."TransactionOutput" ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public."TransactionOutput_id_seq"'::regclass);---- Name: TransactionReferenceInput id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."TransactionReferenceInput" ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public."TransactionReferenceInput_id_seq"'::regclass);---- Name: Address Address_payload_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."Address"    ADD CONSTRAINT "Address_payload_key" UNIQUE (payload);---- Name: Address Address_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."Address"    ADD CONSTRAINT "Address_pkey" PRIMARY KEY (id);---- Name: Block Block_hash_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."Block"    ADD CONSTRAINT "Block_hash_key" UNIQUE (hash);---- Name: Block Block_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."Block"    ADD CONSTRAINT "Block_pkey" PRIMARY KEY (id);---- Name: Cip25Entry Cip25Entry_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."Cip25Entry"    ADD CONSTRAINT "Cip25Entry_pkey" PRIMARY KEY (id);---- Name: Dex Dex_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."Dex"    ADD CONSTRAINT "Dex_pkey" PRIMARY KEY (id);---- Name: NativeAsset NativeAsset_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."NativeAsset"    ADD CONSTRAINT "NativeAsset_pkey" PRIMARY KEY (id);---- Name: PlutusDataHash PlutusDataHash_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."PlutusDataHash"    ADD CONSTRAINT "PlutusDataHash_pkey" PRIMARY KEY (id);---- Name: PlutusData PlutusData_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."PlutusData"    ADD CONSTRAINT "PlutusData_pkey" PRIMARY KEY (id);---- Name: StakeCredential StakeCredential_credential_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."StakeCredential"    ADD CONSTRAINT "StakeCredential_credential_key" UNIQUE (credential);---- Name: StakeCredential StakeCredential_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."StakeCredential"    ADD CONSTRAINT "StakeCredential_pkey" PRIMARY KEY (id);---- Name: TransactionInput TransactionInput_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."TransactionInput"    ADD CONSTRAINT "TransactionInput_pkey" PRIMARY KEY (id);---- Name: TransactionMetadata TransactionMetadata_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."TransactionMetadata"    ADD CONSTRAINT "TransactionMetadata_pkey" PRIMARY KEY (id);---- Name: TransactionOutput TransactionOutput_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."TransactionOutput"    ADD CONSTRAINT "TransactionOutput_pkey" PRIMARY KEY (id);---- Name: TransactionReferenceInput TransactionReferenceInput_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."TransactionReferenceInput"    ADD CONSTRAINT "TransactionReferenceInput_pkey" PRIMARY KEY (id);---- Name: Transaction Transaction_hash_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."Transaction"    ADD CONSTRAINT "Transaction_hash_key" UNIQUE (hash);---- Name: Transaction Transaction_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."Transaction"    ADD CONSTRAINT "Transaction_pkey" PRIMARY KEY (id);---- Name: AddressCredentialRelation address_credential-pk; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."AddressCredentialRelation"    ADD CONSTRAINT "address_credential-pk" PRIMARY KEY (address_id, credential_id, relation);---- Name: AssetMint asset_mint-pk; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."AssetMint"    ADD CONSTRAINT "asset_mint-pk" PRIMARY KEY (tx_id, asset_id);---- Name: AssetUtxo asset_utxo-pk; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."AssetUtxo"    ADD CONSTRAINT "asset_utxo-pk" PRIMARY KEY (id);---- Name: ProjectedNFT projected_nft-pk; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."ProjectedNFT"    ADD CONSTRAINT "projected_nft-pk" PRIMARY KEY (id);---- Name: seaql_migrations seaql_migrations_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public.seaql_migrations    ADD CONSTRAINT seaql_migrations_pkey PRIMARY KEY (version);---- Name: StakeDelegationCredentialRelation stake_delegation_credential-pk; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."StakeDelegationCredentialRelation"    ADD CONSTRAINT "stake_delegation_credential-pk" PRIMARY KEY (id);---- Name: TxCredentialRelation tx_credential-pk; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."TxCredentialRelation"    ADD CONSTRAINT "tx_credential-pk" PRIMARY KEY (tx_id, credential_id);---- Name: index-address-transaction; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE INDEX "index-address-transaction" ON public."Address" USING btree (first_tx);---- Name: index-address_credential-credential; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE INDEX "index-address_credential-credential" ON public."AddressCredentialRelation" USING btree (credential_id);---- Name: index-asset_mint-native_asset; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE INDEX "index-asset_mint-native_asset" ON public."AssetMint" USING btree (asset_id);---- Name: index-asset_utxo-transaction; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE INDEX "index-asset_utxo-transaction" ON public."AssetUtxo" USING btree (tx_id);---- Name: index-cip25_entry-metadata; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE INDEX "index-cip25_entry-metadata" ON public."Cip25Entry" USING btree (metadata_id);---- Name: index-cip25_entry-native_asset; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE INDEX "index-cip25_entry-native_asset" ON public."Cip25Entry" USING btree (asset_id);---- Name: index-dex-address-native_asset1-native_asset2-transaction; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE INDEX "index-dex-address-native_asset1-native_asset2-transaction" ON public."Dex" USING btree (dex, asset1_id, asset2_id, tx_id);---- Name: index-dex-operation; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE INDEX "index-dex-operation" ON public."Dex" USING btree (operation);---- Name: index-metadata-label; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE INDEX "index-metadata-label" ON public."TransactionMetadata" USING btree (label);---- Name: index-metadata-txid; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE INDEX "index-metadata-txid" ON public."TransactionMetadata" USING btree (tx_id);---- Name: index-native_asset-fingerprint; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE INDEX "index-native_asset-fingerprint" ON public."NativeAsset" USING btree (cip14_fingerprint);---- Name: index-native_asset-pair; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "index-native_asset-pair" ON public."NativeAsset" USING btree (policy_id, asset_name);---- Name: index-native_asset-transaction; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE INDEX "index-native_asset-transaction" ON public."NativeAsset" USING btree (first_tx);---- Name: index-native_asset_name; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE INDEX "index-native_asset_name" ON public."NativeAsset" USING btree (asset_name);---- Name: index-plutus_data_hash-hash; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "index-plutus_data_hash-hash" ON public."PlutusDataHash" USING btree (hash);---- Name: index-plutus_data_hash-transaction; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE INDEX "index-plutus_data_hash-transaction" ON public."PlutusDataHash" USING btree (first_tx);---- Name: index-stake_credential-transaction; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE INDEX "index-stake_credential-transaction" ON public."StakeCredential" USING btree (first_tx);---- Name: index-stake_delegation_credential-stake_credential; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE INDEX "index-stake_delegation_credential-stake_credential" ON public."StakeDelegationCredentialRelation" USING btree (stake_credential);---- Name: index-transaction-block; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE INDEX "index-transaction-block" ON public."Transaction" USING btree (block_id);---- Name: index-transaction_input-address; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE INDEX "index-transaction_input-address" ON public."TransactionInput" USING btree (address_id);---- Name: index-transaction_input-transaction; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE INDEX "index-transaction_input-transaction" ON public."TransactionInput" USING btree (tx_id);---- Name: index-transaction_input-transaction_output; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE INDEX "index-transaction_input-transaction_output" ON public."TransactionInput" USING btree (utxo_id);---- Name: index-transaction_output-address; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE INDEX "index-transaction_output-address" ON public."TransactionOutput" USING btree (address_id);---- Name: index-transaction_output-transaction; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE INDEX "index-transaction_output-transaction" ON public."TransactionOutput" USING btree (tx_id);---- Name: index-transaction_reference_input-address; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE INDEX "index-transaction_reference_input-address" ON public."TransactionReferenceInput" USING btree (address_id);---- Name: index-transaction_reference_input-transaction; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE INDEX "index-transaction_reference_input-transaction" ON public."TransactionReferenceInput" USING btree (tx_id);---- Name: index-transaction_reference_input-transaction_output; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE INDEX "index-transaction_reference_input-transaction_output" ON public."TransactionReferenceInput" USING btree (utxo_id);---- Name: index-tx_credential-credential; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: ---CREATE INDEX "index-tx_credential-credential" ON public."TxCredentialRelation" USING btree (credential_id);---- Name: Address fk-address-tx_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."Address"    ADD CONSTRAINT "fk-address-tx_id" FOREIGN KEY (first_tx) REFERENCES public."Transaction"(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;---- Name: AddressCredentialRelation fk-address_credential-address_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."AddressCredentialRelation"    ADD CONSTRAINT "fk-address_credential-address_id" FOREIGN KEY (address_id) REFERENCES public."Address"(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;---- Name: AddressCredentialRelation fk-address_credential-credential_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."AddressCredentialRelation"    ADD CONSTRAINT "fk-address_credential-credential_id" FOREIGN KEY (credential_id) REFERENCES public."StakeCredential"(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;---- Name: AssetMint fk-asset_mint-asset_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."AssetMint"    ADD CONSTRAINT "fk-asset_mint-asset_id" FOREIGN KEY (asset_id) REFERENCES public."NativeAsset"(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;---- Name: AssetMint fk-asset_mint-transaction_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."AssetMint"    ADD CONSTRAINT "fk-asset_mint-transaction_id" FOREIGN KEY (tx_id) REFERENCES public."Transaction"(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;---- Name: AssetUtxo fk-asset_utxo-asset_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."AssetUtxo"    ADD CONSTRAINT "fk-asset_utxo-asset_id" FOREIGN KEY (asset_id) REFERENCES public."NativeAsset"(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;---- Name: AssetUtxo fk-asset_utxo-tx_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."AssetUtxo"    ADD CONSTRAINT "fk-asset_utxo-tx_id" FOREIGN KEY (tx_id) REFERENCES public."Transaction"(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;---- Name: AssetUtxo fk-asset_utxo-utxo_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."AssetUtxo"    ADD CONSTRAINT "fk-asset_utxo-utxo_id" FOREIGN KEY (utxo_id) REFERENCES public."TransactionOutput"(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;---- Name: Cip25Entry fk-cip25_entry-asset_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."Cip25Entry"    ADD CONSTRAINT "fk-cip25_entry-asset_id" FOREIGN KEY (asset_id) REFERENCES public."NativeAsset"(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;---- Name: Cip25Entry fk-cip25_entry-metadata; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."Cip25Entry"    ADD CONSTRAINT "fk-cip25_entry-metadata" FOREIGN KEY (metadata_id) REFERENCES public."TransactionMetadata"(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;---- Name: Dex fk-dex-address_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."Dex"    ADD CONSTRAINT "fk-dex-address_id" FOREIGN KEY (address_id) REFERENCES public."Address"(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;---- Name: Dex fk-dex-asset1_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."Dex"    ADD CONSTRAINT "fk-dex-asset1_id" FOREIGN KEY (asset1_id) REFERENCES public."NativeAsset"(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;---- Name: Dex fk-dex-asset2_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."Dex"    ADD CONSTRAINT "fk-dex-asset2_id" FOREIGN KEY (asset2_id) REFERENCES public."NativeAsset"(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;---- Name: Dex fk-dex-tx_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."Dex"    ADD CONSTRAINT "fk-dex-tx_id" FOREIGN KEY (tx_id) REFERENCES public."Transaction"(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;---- Name: TransactionMetadata fk-metadata-tx_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."TransactionMetadata"    ADD CONSTRAINT "fk-metadata-tx_id" FOREIGN KEY (tx_id) REFERENCES public."Transaction"(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;---- Name: NativeAsset fk-native_asset-tx_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."NativeAsset"    ADD CONSTRAINT "fk-native_asset-tx_id" FOREIGN KEY (first_tx) REFERENCES public."Transaction"(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;---- Name: PlutusData fk-plutus_data-plutus_data_hash-tx_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."PlutusData"    ADD CONSTRAINT "fk-plutus_data-plutus_data_hash-tx_id" FOREIGN KEY (id) REFERENCES public."PlutusDataHash"(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;---- Name: PlutusDataHash fk-plutus_data_hash-tx_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."PlutusDataHash"    ADD CONSTRAINT "fk-plutus_data_hash-tx_id" FOREIGN KEY (first_tx) REFERENCES public."Transaction"(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;---- Name: ProjectedNFT fk-projected_nft-tx_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."ProjectedNFT"    ADD CONSTRAINT "fk-projected_nft-tx_id" FOREIGN KEY (tx_id) REFERENCES public."Transaction"(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;---- Name: ProjectedNFT fk-projected_nft-utxo_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."ProjectedNFT"    ADD CONSTRAINT "fk-projected_nft-utxo_id" FOREIGN KEY (hololocker_utxo_id) REFERENCES public."TransactionOutput"(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;---- Name: StakeCredential fk-stake_credential-tx_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."StakeCredential"    ADD CONSTRAINT "fk-stake_credential-tx_id" FOREIGN KEY (first_tx) REFERENCES public."Transaction"(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;---- Name: StakeDelegationCredentialRelation fk-stake_delegation-credential_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."StakeDelegationCredentialRelation"    ADD CONSTRAINT "fk-stake_delegation-credential_id" FOREIGN KEY (stake_credential) REFERENCES public."StakeCredential"(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;---- Name: StakeDelegationCredentialRelation fk-stake_delegation-tx_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."StakeDelegationCredentialRelation"    ADD CONSTRAINT "fk-stake_delegation-tx_id" FOREIGN KEY (tx_id) REFERENCES public."Transaction"(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;---- Name: Transaction fk-transaction-block_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."Transaction"    ADD CONSTRAINT "fk-transaction-block_id" FOREIGN KEY (block_id) REFERENCES public."Block"(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;---- Name: TransactionInput fk-transaction_input-address_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."TransactionInput"    ADD CONSTRAINT "fk-transaction_input-address_id" FOREIGN KEY (address_id) REFERENCES public."Address"(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;---- Name: TransactionInput fk-transaction_input-tx_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."TransactionInput"    ADD CONSTRAINT "fk-transaction_input-tx_id" FOREIGN KEY (tx_id) REFERENCES public."Transaction"(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;---- Name: TransactionInput fk-transaction_input-utxo_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."TransactionInput"    ADD CONSTRAINT "fk-transaction_input-utxo_id" FOREIGN KEY (utxo_id) REFERENCES public."TransactionOutput"(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;---- Name: TransactionOutput fk-transaction_output-address_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."TransactionOutput"    ADD CONSTRAINT "fk-transaction_output-address_id" FOREIGN KEY (address_id) REFERENCES public."Address"(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;---- Name: TransactionOutput fk-transaction_output-tx_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."TransactionOutput"    ADD CONSTRAINT "fk-transaction_output-tx_id" FOREIGN KEY (tx_id) REFERENCES public."Transaction"(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;---- Name: TransactionReferenceInput fk-transaction_reference-input-address_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."TransactionReferenceInput"    ADD CONSTRAINT "fk-transaction_reference-input-address_id" FOREIGN KEY (address_id) REFERENCES public."Address"(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;---- Name: TransactionReferenceInput fk-transaction_reference-input-tx_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."TransactionReferenceInput"    ADD CONSTRAINT "fk-transaction_reference-input-tx_id" FOREIGN KEY (tx_id) REFERENCES public."Transaction"(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;---- Name: TransactionReferenceInput fk-transaction_reference-input-utxo_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."TransactionReferenceInput"    ADD CONSTRAINT "fk-transaction_reference-input-utxo_id" FOREIGN KEY (utxo_id) REFERENCES public."TransactionOutput"(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;---- Name: TxCredentialRelation fk-tx_credential-credential_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."TxCredentialRelation"    ADD CONSTRAINT "fk-tx_credential-credential_id" FOREIGN KEY (credential_id) REFERENCES public."StakeCredential"(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;---- Name: TxCredentialRelation fk-tx_credential-tx_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: ---ALTER TABLE ONLY public."TxCredentialRelation"    ADD CONSTRAINT "fk-tx_credential-tx_id" FOREIGN KEY (tx_id) REFERENCES public."Transaction"(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;---- PostgreSQL database dump complete--

Since Carp contains a lot of binary data, here is a cheatsheet for some common queries:

  1. Exact match binary data using WHERE "Transaction".hash = '\x18565ab3c960c000531e5b359432397907d663c0ac5f5dbae80e1bf88d25c8a0'
  2. Wildcard match binary data using SQL commands such as like '\x8200'::bytea || '%'
  3. Match a list of options using "StakeCredential".credential = ANY(array['\x8200581c8baf48931c5187cd59fde553f4e7da2e1a2aa9202ec6e67815cb3f8a']::bytea array)