Client API
You can find the OpenAPI / swagger definition here
NPM link here
We provide a Typescript client for ease of use from Javascript, we also provide an OpenAPI / Swagger definition. This helps with
- Writing clients for other languages
- Having human-readable documentation for the API
If you want to write your own client, you can refer to the sql format
Here are some examples of common use-cases
import { Routes } from "@dcspark/carp-client/shared/routes";import { nftCborToJson, paginatedMetadataNft, paginatedTransactionHistory,} from "@dcspark/carp-client/client/src/paginated";import { query } from "@dcspark/carp-client/client/src/index";import cml from "@dcspark/cardano-multiplatform-lib-nodejs";import type { TransactionHistoryResponse } from "@dcspark/carp-client/shared/models/TransactionHistory";const urlBase = "http://localhost:3000";async function getHistoryForAddress( bech32Address: string): Promise<TransactionHistoryResponse> { const bestBlock = await query(urlBase, Routes.blockLatest, { // the higher you make this, the less you have to worry about rollbacks // but also the slower your app will react to new transactions by the user // you can look into projects like Cardano multiverse-rs to optimize this number offset: 3, }); const wasmAddr = cml.Address.from_bech32(bech32Address); const paymentKey = cml.BaseAddress.from_address(wasmAddr)?.payment(); if (paymentKey == null) throw new Error(); const stakingKey = cml.BaseAddress.from_address(wasmAddr)?.stake(); if (stakingKey == null) throw new Error(); const result = await paginatedTransactionHistory(urlBase, { addresses: [ // Note: querying both the payment key & staking key here is different from querying the base32 address directly // Both methods are supported by Carp (and multiple different kinds of inputs too) // Be sure to pick the method that best works for you as they will give different results Buffer.from(paymentKey.to_cbor_bytes()).toString("hex"), Buffer.from(stakingKey.to_cbor_bytes()).toString("hex"), ], untilBlock: bestBlock.block.hash, }); return result;}async function getNftInfo( policyId: string, assetName: string): Promise<string> { const nftInfo = await paginatedMetadataNft(urlBase, { assets: { [policyId]: [assetName] }, }); const jsonInfo = nftCborToJson( nftInfo, cml.TransactionMetadatum, cml.decode_metadatum_to_json_str, cml.MetadataJsonSchema.BasicConversions ); return jsonInfo.cip25[policyId][assetName];}